Environmental Geochemistry International has one of the world’s most experienced consulting and laboratory teams focused on Acid Rock Drainage and resource-related hydrogeology. EGi’s geochemists produced the AMIRA ARD Test Handbook and developed most of the globally accepted standard characterisation techniques used today by miners and environmental mining professionals everywhere.
BSc Hons, Grad Dip Env. Mgt., PhD
Warwick has held a key role in EGi since 2000. He has 28 years’ experience in geochemistry, geology, and environmental management. He has designed and led numerous ARD assessment programmes and prediction studies for various mine sites in Australia, Asia and the Americas, overseeing geochemical testing, mine materials assessment and mine geochemical management audit.
Leading EGi’s R&D and innovation programme, Warwick developed the techniques and methods that are used across the world for ARD assessment and authored the ARD Test Handbook published by AMIRA and referred to by all leading geochemists.
BAgrSc, PhD
John joined EGi in 1989 and holds the position of Principal Geochemist. He has a detailed understanding of the challenges associated with mine waste geochemical characterisation and management, and of the potential impacts on the receiving environments associated with ARD.
John has specific expertise in the environmental geochemical and hydrogeochemical aspects of waste disposal in the mining and mineral processing industry, including prediction and control of acid rock drainage, characterisation and management of sulphide-bearing wastes, mine site rehabilitation, geochemical modelling of pit and site-wide water quality, and contaminant transport in ground and surface waters.
BSc Hons, PhD
Andrew has over 20 years’ experience as an environmental geochemist and contaminated site technical specialist. His core technical strengths are in relation to characterization of mine and industrial waste materials, predictive hydro-geochemical modelling and all stages of contaminated site investigation and remediation.
His project experience spans Australia, Canada, South America and Africa across a wide range of sectors including: mining; transport infrastructure; land developers; waste facility operators; oil and gas; heavy industry; and all levels of government.
BAgrSc, MSc, M. Phil, PhD
Stuart was the founding Director of EGi. He has over 40 years’ experience with more than 350 mining projects within Australia and worldwide and specialises in site auditing and development of ARD management strategies.
He is recognised as a world and leading expert in ARD prediction and management, and has pioneered development in ARD prediction technologies, including the Net Acid Generation (NAG) test.
BSc (Hons), PhD
Russell has the role of EGi Principal Environmental Chemist. He has over 25 years’ experience in the area of water analysis and water treatment; principally focused on environmental and operational water issues in the mining industry. He has extensive experience in the treatment of tailings water and other wastewater streams for repurposing at a range of operations. Russell’s work in the area of acid rock drainage includes being a key member of a research team that attracted over $6.7 million in research funding, including five ARC Linkage grants and significant industry funding. He has contributed to over 30 publications in the area of ARD research focusing on ARD prediction and management through source control. Russell’s work on ARD issues and water treatment include projects throughout Australia, South East Asia and North America.
BSc, MEngSc, MSc, PhD
Mark is a highly experienced aqueous geochemist having spent 20 plus years researching and consulting in fields encompassing a wide variety of engineered and natural systems, including water and wastewater treatment systems, sewage effluent irrigation, legacy low-level nuclear waste burial, estuarine sediments, and early hydration cement. He brings a deep understanding of iron transformations and the role they play in determining the fate and transport of contaminants and nutrients. Mark has utilized advanced materials analysis techniques together with geochemical modelling, including PHREEQC, to elucidate mechanisms and quantify controls on key reactions in porous media. He is passionate about using data science approaches and software to communicate clear data-driven narratives. As a consultant Mark has delivered water and wastewater treatment solutions into the mining, manufacturing, and commercial HVAC industries.
BTech (Hons), PhD
Bhasker is a Senior Hydrogeochemical Modeller in EGi’s Perth office. He has more than 12 years’ of Australian and international experience in environmental consulting with a particular interest in modelling the fate of metals and metalloids in the natural systems. His modelling provides both invaluable insight into the nature and extent of groundwater seepages from mine waste storage areas and tools for the evaluation of feasible mitigation options. Bhasker’s toolkit includes numerical modelling programs such as MODFLOW, MT3D, PHT3D, PHREEQC, and GoldSim. Outside of EGi, Bhasker has presented his work at several international conferences, completed a postdoctoral research with University of Tuebingen, Germany, and worked as a contaminated site consultant for OTEK Australia and on site with FMG.
MSc, BSc, GCert Eng
Antony has more than 18 years’ experience working in the environmental and natural resources field. The majority of this project work was completed in QLD, NSW, SA,NT and Africa. Antony has worked across multiple industries including mining, CSG, construction, metal refining, waste, and defence. He has developed deep experience in, hydrogeological investigations, community water supply and security, mine site green and brownfield groundwater investigation, bore field assessments, site closure assessments, water discharge license, targeted groundwater monitoring programs, contaminated site waste classification and assessment.
BEnvSc, MEnvScMgt
Devon is an environmental scientist with over six years of experience across the industry, primarily involved in the monitoring, assessment, characterisation, and remediation of contaminated sites both in Australia and overseas. He has had significant exposure to a variety of field techniques for soil, hydrological, hydrogeological investigations and has substantial experience in the management, processing and reporting of environmental datasets. Through his career to date, Devon has worked on a diverse range of consulting projects, including work within the resources, industrial, construction, and civil sectors, as well as completing a 4-month stint as an expedition scientist undertaking diesel spill remediation at Casey Station in Antarctica.
BSC Hons
Tony is a geologist with over 30 years experience in applied oil and gas exploration research in hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary basins in Australasia, including extensive fieldwork throughout Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. He has also worked in Australia as a metals exploration geologist in the Northern Territory, Victoria and New South Wales. Tony has unique expertise in the accurate determination of Tertiary limestone age by strontium isotope and biostratigraphic dating. Tony has applied this specialised skillset in numerous exploration programs throughout the Papuan Basin, in other Indo-Pacific basins in Indonesia and Malaysia, and in the Middle East and Americas.
GAICD BEnvSc Hons, MPhil (Civil Engineering)
Ai Binh (Binny) joined EGi in 1999 and since that time has been in control of the company’s laboratory testing, analytical data management, quality control, and quarantine activities. She specialises in design, implementation and management of static and kinetic test-work programmes for domestic and international projects. Importantly, Binny manages the importation of samples from outside Australia; liaising with site-based and Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service personnel to maintain EGi’ s laboratory status as a class 5.11 quarantine approved premise.
Udaya is a qualified chemist and has been part of EGi since 1995. He has over 25 years’ experience in laboratory testing, laboratory operations, and laboratory management. Udaya was an instrumental part of the development of the laboratory protocols utilised by EGi for ascertaining acid potential from minesite samples.